thermal insulation of a house made of foam concrete
Foam concrete - building blocks of a light shade, which consist of gas silicate and foam concrete. This building material
Insulation xps or penoplex
When building a dwelling on the territory of Russia, many owners ask themselves the question of insulation. The modern construction market
House insulation with penoplex
A warm house is the basis for a comfortable stay in it for a family. Today the market offers
Manufacturing These two materials are completely synthetic, but they are made using different technologies. For production
internal insulation
The relevance of this type of styling Today, all over the world, such
The construction of residential, commercial and industrial facilities is carried out using various tools, building mixtures
Basic rules for assembling a wooden floor in a garage According to SNiP standards, when designing garages, the choice
expanded clay as floor insulation reviews
Today, one of the most demanded materials in the construction industry is expanded clay concrete. House of expanded clay blocks
Warm plaster - advantages and disadvantages
What is it? When we talk about plastering work, we mean the complexity of their implementation and
Sound insulation with foam
Expanded polystyrene foam The main materials for the production of foam are: Table of physical and technical characteristics of foam. polystyrene; polyethylene;

