Appointment of a blind area at home
Externally, the blind area is a wide strip adjacent to the structure, surrounding it along the perimeter. It is made at a slight angle (5-10 degrees) from the foundation - this is how water flows into the surrounding soil (or drainage gutter) at a sufficient distance from the walls of the house. However, the protection of the foundation is not limited to the outer coating, but has a layered structure and goes to a depth of 25 cm to half a meter. The number, thickness and types of layers depend on the climatic zone and the type of soil. In addition to the coating and bedding cushion, drainage, additional waterproofing and insulation of the blind area are arranged.
Option for the device of the insulated blind area
The blind area of a building is a multifunctional element that performs several tasks at once.
- Keeps the foundation strip and adjacent soil dry.
This is its main purpose. Eliminates long-term stagnation of water (during floods, frequent and heavy precipitation, proximity of groundwater), which lead to crumbling of concrete, an increase in microcracks and a violation of integrity.
Insulated concrete blind area - the most common option
- Prevents the soil from freezing near the base of the house.
At subzero temperatures, the water contained in the earth freezes. Increasing in volume, the soil has a destructive effect on the walls of the foundation. The insulated blind area especially effectively protects against freezing. It not only keeps the soil adjacent to the building dry, but also removes the border of positive and negative temperatures in the soil outside the blind area.
- Forms a complete and harmonious architectural style.
The variety of finishes allows you to create an individual style for your home. The blind area can complement the style of the building, or overlap with the elements of the landscape design of the surrounding area.
- Serves as a sidewalk (with appropriate coverage).
Combining a pedestrian zone with a blind area is a practical solution that saves land space and finances.
Universal blind area - protection, architectural refinement, and sidewalk
How to determine the size of the blind area
The width of the blind area depends on the soil on which the building stands and on the removal of the eaves overhang. If the ground is stable, its width should exceed the overhang by 20 cm.But it must be borne in mind that the minimum is 60 cm.
If the building stands on an unstable soil layer, then the width can be increased to 90 cm. The structure is no longer made wider, since the building will look asymmetrical.
They begin to build a blind area when the house has already been built. The vegetation around the building is removed, the roots of trees are removed, which can damage the structure during germination, the top layer of soil 15 cm high is removed. If a 90 cm wide blind area is being built, you need to remove the soil 1 meter wide.
Pegs are hammered in the corners of the foundation. A wire is pulled on them around the perimeter to mark the size and height of the concrete base.
The excavated soil can be used for leveling low-lying areas, for arranging flower beds or alpine slides.
Why insulate the blind area
A correctly executed blind area performs its functions quite successfully. Keeps the soil dry and even lowering the temperature to negative temperatures does not lead to catastrophic consequences Therefore, the question arises - is it necessary to insulate the blind area around the house?
In the following cases, it is imperative to lay a layer of thermal insulation when constructing a protective strip:
- The building was built on heaving ground.
When the temperature in the soil drops to freezing temperatures, the moisture contained in it freezes. The density of ice is less than that of water, so it takes up more volume. This leads to heaving of the soil and uneven distribution of loads on the foundation. Some types of soil - clay, loam, sandy loam - always contain moisture and are called heaving. The smallest particles of clay prevent water held in numerous pores from seeping and going into deeper layers. When constructing a structure in an area with such soil, the layers adjacent to the foundation must not be allowed to freeze.
Consequences of frost heaving of the soil
- The depth of the foundation is less than the depth of soil freezing.
Temperature drops, freezing and thawing of the soil lead to its uneven subsidence under the base of the building, the appearance of moisture and the same heaving. Therefore, a shallow foundation after a while begins to experience loads that can lead to the appearance of large cracks. Such defects make the building unusable.
Attention! When constructing buildings with shallowly buried foundations or on heaving soils, the equipment of an insulated blind area is required.
However, even if the building is built on dense and solid soil, practically not subject to seasonal fluctuations, and the foundation is buried below the soil freezing zone, the insulation of the blind area around the house quickly pays off.
- House heating costs are reduced. This is especially beneficial in the presence of a heated basement room - heat losses are reduced by almost a quarter.
- The durability of the blind area itself increases. Temperature fluctuations inside the "pie" become minimal and do not drop below 0 degrees even in cold weather. Therefore, the coating does not deteriorate and serves as a reliable protection of the foundation for many years.
- There is almost no displacement of the blind area relative to the base in the vertical direction (in the absence of thermal insulation, it is a frequent occurrence). This protects the covering of the blind area and the walls of the foundation from cracking.
- The waterproofing of the protective strip is increased.
- The depth of the foundation can be reduced. Considering the cost of building the foundation and arranging a warm blind area around the house, this will even reduce construction costs.
- Thanks to thermal insulation, basements are protected not only from external moisture. Since there is no sharp drop in external and internal temperature, the walls remain dry - there is no danger of condensation and, accordingly, mold and mildew. And this is a significant savings on repairs.
Important! The device of the insulated blind area allows you to save on:
- construction - reducing the depth of the foundation;
- repair - the absence of high humidity and condensation allows it to be carried out much less frequently;
- heating - reducing heat loss.
Insulation of the blind area removes the boundaries of soil freezing outside of it
Blind area insulation scheme
To properly insulate the blind area with your own hands, you need to know the device and follow the sequence of layers of the "pie".
- The lowest layer is geotextile. This is the layer that forms the entire structure.
- The next layer of 10-15 cm is sand.
- A layer of insulation is placed on top of the sand embankment.
- The next layer is again sand 15 cm.
- Geotextile again.
- A layer of fine gravel.
- Decorative tiles (or other material).
What material to use for thermal insulation
The most common materials for thermal insulation of the blind area are insulation-polymers (expanded polystyrene, penoizol, polystyrene) and expanded clay.
Extruded polystyrene foam
Most often used. It has high density, strength and extremely low thermal conductivity. Therefore, it is possible to be limited to a small thickness of the thermal insulation layer.It is environmentally friendly, durable, does not absorb water, and is not afraid of strong and frequent temperature changes. It is easy to install EPSP - the work is done manually, with a minimum set of tools.
The disadvantages include its fire hazard - it does not flash, but it burns well enough. Requires a leveling layer to exclude mechanical damage.
Penoplex sheets with a thorn-groove connection
Provides good thermal insulation, is easy to install and inexpensive. You can cut it into layers of any shape. However, there are many disadvantages. Has relatively little durability. Some low density species are capable of absorbing water. Foam plastic is produced in sheets, so when laying, additional processing of the joints is necessary. It is prone to mechanical damage, therefore, reinforcement of the overlying layer is mandatory. The combustibility of the foam is even higher than that of the foam.
Styrofoam panels
It is characterized by low thermal conductivity and long service life. Good fire resistance. It is applied by spraying - a continuous layer without seams (cold bridges) is formed. But this requires special equipment and specialist services. As a result, insulation with penoizol is expensive. The disadvantages include the need to protect such thermal insulation from getting wet, since with excessive humidity, the foam is destroyed. In addition, the composition of the material contains toxic components.
Penoizol forms a continuous seamless thermal insulation
Expanded clay
It is a durable, chemically inactive, moisture resistant material. Completely natural and environmentally friendly - made exclusively from clay and slate. Absolutely fireproof, fireproof. It has a low cost, it is easy to work with it - it is enough to pour it into the trench.
Can be sand, crushed stone or gravel. For arranging the blind area, it is better to choose the last type - round and smooth, it absorbs moisture much less and is more frost-resistant.
The disadvantage is low efficiency - a thick layer of expanded clay is required for sufficient thermal insulation.
Expanded clay gravel
How to insulate the blind area
Durable, durable and moisture-resistant materials are used as insulation: expanded clay, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam (foam rubber) and extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex). Any of the listed materials will reduce the swelling of the soil and prevent the ground around the house from freezing, but the best of them is expanded polystyrene, which is 90% air bubbles.
In addition to excellent thermal insulation properties, EPP has other advantages:
- High compressive strength (0.25-0.50 MPa);
- Virtually zero water absorption (no more than 0.2%) and vapor permeability;
Helpful! According to research, if an EPP sheet is completely immersed in water for 30 days, then during this time it will pick up no more than 0.4% moisture.
- Fire resistance (class G1);
- Operating temperature range (from -50 0С to +75 0С);
- Low thermal conductivity, of the order of 0.029 W / mK (provided that the thickness of the EPP sheet is at least 5-10 cm);
- Frost resistance;
- High resistance to mechanical stress;
- Ease;
- Durability (up to 40 years).
Among other things, this material is considered environmentally friendly and chemically resistant to alkaline environments. Thanks to the latter property, neither the components of the cement mixture nor groundwater will affect the expanded polystyrene.
The thickness of standard foam sheets is 20 mm, but for insulation of the foundation and blind area, it is better to choose EPP with a thickness of at least 50 mm for the middle part of the base and from 60 to 120 mm for the corners. The fact is that the corners of the blind area require more insulation, since in these zones the base freezes the most.
If you want to insulate the blind area with foam, due to its lower cost compared to foam, then be sure to take into account one significant drawback of this material - low resistance to mechanical damage. Because of this, a reinforcing frame will have to be laid on top of the thermal insulation layer (and this obviously will not reduce costs).
To understand the design features of the installation of the thermal insulation layer from EPP, we will consider the step-by-step instructions for this process and start with determining the dimensions of the blind area.
Penoplex features
The operational and technical characteristics of the penoplex allow us to call it the most effective insulation available on the market today.
It is, in fact, an improved foam made by extruding polystyrene. During the production process, polystyrene granules with the addition of porophores are placed in a high-temperature chamber. The mixture melts and foams due to the fact that the porophores, when heated, emit a large amount of gases - carbon dioxide, nitrogen and others. Through molding nozzles, the mass resembling whipped cream is squeezed onto a conveyor, solidified and cut into panels.
The result is a porous material. But, unlike foam, it has a single fine-cellular structure that does not disintegrate into granules. Each cell is filled with gas and completely insulated, which provides high thermal insulation values. Penoplex is characterized by a higher density and greater strength than foam.
EPS insulation is lightweight, cuts well, does not crumble. The sheets have a thorn-groove connection, which does not allow even the slightest cold to seep through. It is convenient to use it for self-insulation of any building elements.
Several types of penoplex are available. Grades 35, 45 and "Foundation" are suitable for thermal insulation of the blind area and basements.
Dense fine cellular foam structure
What is the material
Let's start with the fact that the actual name of Penoplex comes from the name of the Russian company of the same name, which was one of the first to start producing extruded polystyrene foam or EPS on our market. This material is used wherever foam was used before. The only limitation is that the price of this material is higher than that of analogues (see also the article “Shape and dimensions of basement siding: choosing a material for cladding”).
It is produced using the technology of foaming the substance at high temperatures. But here foaming is done by adding a mixture of freon with carbon dioxide. As a result, a sufficiently strong and dense material is obtained, the average diameter of the granules of which is 0.1 - 0.2 mm.
It should be mentioned that initially the material was developed for laying under the roadway and runways of airfields. But the result obtained exceeded expectations, and later different types of EPS were developed for different purposes. In our case, 2 types of material are used, this is the "foundation" penoplex or the No. 45 penoplex.
Insulation of the new foundation.
Insulated blind area device
Maximum protection of the building foundation is achieved with joint insulation of the foundation and blind area. Such an arrangement is not cheap, but if you carry out construction work yourself, then the costs are significantly reduced. The blind area should be built at the construction stage, immediately after the construction of the basement part. But you can arrange it around an already finished house. It is advisable to use penoplex as insulation - it meets all the necessary requirements and is easy to install.
Scheme of a simple insulated blind area
Base / plinth insulation
Base / plinth insulation includes the following steps:
- A trench is prepared along the entire perimeter of the structure.The soil layer is removed from 30 to 70 cm (with close groundwater), if there is a basement floor - up to 1 m. The width of the ditch is made equal to the value of the soil freezing depth characteristic of the region. It is this thickness that the insulation layer should be for effective thermal insulation of the soil adjacent to the foundation. The minimum width is 1 m. All roots are removed, the foundation is cleared of dirt.
Important! The width of laying the insulation should be equal to the depth of freezing of the soil for a given region.
- The surface of the underground and basement level (up to the beginning of the walls) is leveled and plastered. To do this, mount a reinforcing mesh and beacons with a step of 1 m. From the bottom up, a cement-sand mortar is poured over with a trowel (in a ratio of 1: 4). Then, from top to bottom, along the beacons, the surface is leveled with a rule. The plaster layer is allowed to dry completely - it takes 20-30 days.
- The prepared surface is covered with waterproofing. It is good to use bituminous mastic for this - it is sold ready-made, and it is enough to simply stir it before use. Apply waterproofing with a layer of 2-3 mm and wait for complete drying.
- Insulation is glued. It is recommended to use half-thickness foam sheets with a tongue-and-groove joint and lay them in two layers. Most often these are slabs 5 cm thick - the thermal insulation layer in this case will be equal to 10 cm. Such a thickness of the foam is able to withstand the most severe frosts. The upper slabs are staggered relative to the lower ones, overlapping the seams. This method provides maximum thermal insulation and does not require separate sealing of the joints. Plates are placed on acrylic glue. It is not necessary to coat the entire surface. For reliable fixation, it is enough to apply a strip along the perimeter of the sheet and at 5-6 points in the middle. Next, the sheet is pressed against the wall surface and kept for 1 minute. Insulation is glued from bottom to top.
Important! Do not use bituminous waterproofing as an adhesive for expanded polystyrene sheets. The solvents included in its composition react with polystyrene foam and destroy it.
Penoplex is glued from bottom to top
- A protective layer is applied to the foam sheathing. Reinforcing mesh is stuffed and coated with several layers of acrylic glue, or plastered with cement-sand mortar. The finishing of the basement area is carried out after the installation of the blind area.
Insulation of the blind area
Next, they begin to arrange the insulated blind area around the house.
- A removable formwork is mounted along the outer perimeter of the trench. Instead, you can install curb slabs - this is a finished edging, and protection from the roots of nearby plants (trees, plants with powerful creeping rhizomes).
- Crushed stone is poured at the bottom of the trench as drainage. The thickness of the drainage layer should be such that the top level of the stacked cake is at the specified level as a result.
- On swampy soils, it is recommended to arrange the next layer of a clay castle - a layer of crumpled clay up to 25 cm thick. If the groundwater is deep, then it is not necessary.
- Arrange a compacting pad. Most often, its role is played by a layer of sand 10-15 cm thick. To separate the bulk fraction from the previous layer (or soil, in the absence of drainage and clay layers), geotextiles are laid under it. For compaction and complete shrinkage of the underlying layer, the sand is poured with water. Dry.
- Penoplex is placed on a sandy pillow. Similar to the insulation of the basement, the sheets are laid in two layers, gluing them together.
Laying foam sheets
- EPPS is covered with an overlap on the wall with a waterproofing film - technical polyethylene or roofing felt. The joints are overlapped and carefully glued.
- The subsequent layer should ensure an even distribution of the external load on the insulation layer.This is either a concrete screed (which is usually the topcoat), or a layer of compacted sand 10-15 cm thick, laid with the required slope. Paving stones, paving slabs, stone, etc. are placed on the sand.
Attention! The layer above the EPSP boards should level the external load in order to exclude cracking and destruction of the thermal insulation layer.
Preparation for concreting the blind area
- If a concrete screed is being set up, then it is necessary to compensate for the expansion and compression of such a coating during temperature fluctuations, to prevent its cracking and destruction. For this, a reinforcing mesh with 10x10 cm cells is pre-laid. Then expansion joints are made - every 2 m perpendicular to the wall of the house, plywood or wooden slats treated with bitumen or engine oil are placed on the edge. The slats are cut taking into account the slope of the blind area; when filling, they serve as beacons. The last stage - the blind area must be carefully ironed to increase the surface strength and moisture resistance.
Advantages and disadvantages of penoplex
Penoplex has a huge number of advantages and disadvantages that you should know about in advance.
Penoplex has a huge number of advantages and disadvantages that you should know about in advance. The advantages of the material include the following points:
- Low vapor permeability. Due to this, the penoplex can absorb only a minimal amount of moisture.
- Low thermal conductivity.
- It can withstand a fairly strong load due to its excellent compressive strength.
- It has a fairly long service life, which can be up to 40 years.
- Fast and easy installation.
- It belongs to the middle price segment and pleases buyers with a good price-quality ratio.
At the same time, penoplex also has some disadvantages, which, if not taken into account, then all insulation work will be ineffective.
- A fairly high fire hazard indicator.
- May be damaged by rodents.
- Penoplex has a higher cost than polystyrene.
In general, poplex can be called a very good material for insulating the foundation of a house, so today it is in great demand among buyers.
But since we are talking about a material of artificial origin, the chemical components from it can evaporate over time under the influence of various factors. In this regard, the insulation is always covered with an additional variety of finishing materials.
In general, penoplex is completely safe for human health. But if the material burns, then it gives off very harmful fumes that can cause serious health problems.
During the most suitable type of penoplex, it is imperative to take into account the general condition of the soil, the presence or, conversely, the absence of groundwater, the region of residence. In the case of the basement foam insulation, there are only two types of material that fully meet the required characteristics and allow you to get a really good result from use.
- Penoplex Wall. In practice, this material has repeatedly demonstrated the highest efficiency rate and therefore can provide reliable protection against moisture and other negative environmental influences. It allows you to keep the maximum amount of heat in the house.
- Penoplex Comfort. Often this material is used for additional wall insulation. This insulation was developed so that it was possible to independently carry out all the work related to the insulation of the room. Thanks to the use of this type of foam, you can get excellent results and keep the house as warm as possible for a long time.
In order to independently insulate the basement of a private house, experts recommend using Penoplex 45.The size of the slabs of this material is 60x120 centimeters. The weight of one slab does not exceed 2.5 kilograms. The thickness can be from two to ten centimeters.
Previously, it is worth calculating exactly how much material is required to insulate the basement. This can be done using a special formula, which indicates the area that needs to be insulated, as well as the size of the material used. It is worth noting that it is worth buying a little more material for insulation, so that all kinds of unforeseen situations can be avoided during installation work.
Insulation of the basement must be carried out without fail, regardless of whether the house has a basement floor or not.
The main advantages of penoplex include:
- High density due to manufacturing technology (20-22 t / m2);
- Low moisture permeability;
- When burning, it does not emit harmful chemical compounds;
- Relatively low price;
- Low weight of the structure made of this insulation, which does not carry additional load on the walls, foundation, basement of buildings;
- Long service life (up to 50 years).
- Low vapor permeability (steam does not pass through, but is blocked);
- Combustion class G3 - the material melts and burns;
- Like styrofoam, it attracts rodents.
Statistics have shown that low cost materials are predominantly used to insulate house structures. This is not always a rational decision.
The aboveground part of the house is most often subject to mechanical damage. For this reason, for its finishing, a heater is needed that has sufficient density to withstand mechanical stress.
The foundation is the connecting link between the house and the ground. In the upper layers of the soil saturated with oxygen, metabolic phenomena occur, forming an aggressive environment that damages its concrete structures. For finishing, a heater should be used that is inert to biological and chemical phenomena that take place in the fertile soil layer.
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the Standards of distances between private buildings
Seasonal fluctuations, leading to periodic saturation of the soil with moisture, lead to wetting of the basements, basements. Insulation is required that is not afraid of moisture: it does not rot, does not get wet, does not change its structure under the influence of moisture.
Of all the representatives of insulating materials, penoplex (EPS) meets all these requirements. Its only drawback is the price. The use of EPS will keep the house warm and also increase the life of the foundation.