Go directly to the conclusion.
Carrying out internal wall insulation during repairs, people make a huge mistake, since wall insulation from the inside is the most extreme and last way of warming rooms that can be used. Usually, the conclusion that it is necessary to insulate a room from the inside is due to complete ignorance or forced into apartment buildings, where each owner is only his own walls that form an apartment.
Internal wall insulation creates a number of problems that need to be solved, and at the same time, several sharply negative moments are formed:
1. The enclosing and supporting structures of the building are in the winter time in the zone of negative temperatures, since the heating of the structures is isolated from the heating system of the building. This means that the enclosing and supporting structures are subjected to alternate freezing and thawing, which shortens the service life of the building as a whole.
2. Thermal insulation from the inside takes out of service a significant part of the internal area of the premises, since there are no high-performance thin (10-20 mm) heat-insulating materials yet. Installation of modern insulation takes at least 50 mm from the space (this thickness is even insufficient according to regulatory requirements) on each insulated wall.
3. Insulation from the inside turns out to be very expensive - in addition to the direct costs of insulation and finishing, the costs of protection against the formation of condensation are necessary (“condensate flows onto the floor” - a real response from the person with whom we spoke), additional ventilation and expensive square meters are removed from circulation housing.
It is not recommended to carry out wall insulation from the inside and construction standards SP 23-101-2004 "Design of thermal protection".
The main problem of wall insulation from the inside from the point of view of heat engineering is the formation and accumulation of condensation in the wall and insulation, since with internal wall insulation the "dew point" is either in the wall or in the insulation.
The dew point is the temperature at which water vapor reaches saturation or, as it is considered at the household level, the moment of condensation from the air. The dew point is taken from the calculated data on the sanitary rules for the operation of premises.
Thus, the location of the dew point at outdoor temperature is:
-25 ° C - it turns out that the place of condensation of water vapor is located approximately in the middle of the installed insulation.
-25 ° C to 0 ° C - it turns out that the condensation zone from the middle of the insulation to the outside to the inner surface of the brickwork
The zone of negative temperatures is located just directly at the place where the thermal insulation adjoins the wall and in the immediate vicinity on both sides.
Based on this:
When insulated from the inside, the wall of the building is entirely in the negative temperature zone at an outside air temperature of about -18 .. -20 and below. That is, when the thermometer shows a temperature of -18 and below, the wall is completely frozen, and at the same time, in the case of condensation of water vapor between the insulation and the wall to be insulated from the inside, ice forms, which destroys the place of contact of the insulation with the wall and the insulation, and in the case of gluing it tears off the insulation from the wall.
At temperatures from 0 degrees to +11, the wall gets wet due to condensation of water vapor in the thickness of the wall itself, and only at negative temperatures the dew point moves from the outer surface to the inside of the installed insulation.Temperatures from 0 to +11 in central Russia are 2-3 months in autumn and 2-3 months in spring. Hence it follows that the wall itself with a set of moisture loses its thermal resistance and the wall in winter can freeze completely even at temperatures from -5 ..- 10 and below.
3. Condensation of moisture and freezing of the wall significantly reduces the service life of the entire structure. At the same time, condensation forms between the insulation and the wall, which in the autumn-spring time (during the period of moisture accumulation at positive temperatures and the absence of ventilation - an air gap between the wall and the installed insulation) leads to the formation of mold and mildew on the entire inner surface of the wall, which leads to another type of destruction of the structure - to biological corrosion of the walls.
That is, there will be “eternal dampness” behind the insulation.
If the thickness of the insulation is underestimated due to thoughtlessness or for reasons of financial economy, the condensation zone completely passes into the area of the connection between the insulation and the wall and then into the wall of the building, while condensation increases, and the freezing zone decreases, and destruction due to crystallization affects more on the outer part and the middle walls of the building. Therefore, it is advisable to overestimate the thickness of the insulation used. At the same time, the condensation zone almost entirely goes into the thickness of the insulation, and the wall itself is less susceptible to damage due to freezing - the transition from negative to positive temperatures occurs much less often at negative temperatures of the atmosphere and since moisture does not accumulate in the wall, crystallization does not occur, which destroys the material.
5. The above-mentioned "horror stories" in paragraphs 1-4 are very relevant in the case of wall insulation with mineral or glass wool, which often happens when installing drywall. In order to avoid the above-described consequences, it is necessary to install a material as a heater that is significantly less vapor permeable than mineral wool (for example, extruded polystyrene foam) or to take measures for vapor barrier of internal insulation, i.e.
That is, on the inner surface of the insulation, in contact with the insulated room, it is necessary to create a vapor-proof film, which is also required by construction standards: “It is not recommended to use thermal insulation from the inside because of the possible accumulation of moisture in the heat-insulating layer, however, if such an application is necessary, the surface from the side the premises must have a continuous and durable vapor barrier ”. (SP 23-101-2004 "Design of thermal protection")
With internal wall insulation, the main danger lies in the fact that when the insulation is installed, it will be vapor permeable enough to create a lot of problems for the building structure. In addition, if the insulation gets wet, then it significantly loses its heat-insulating properties.
Therefore, the main rule for internal insulation is a good and reliable vapor barrier or the installation of a heater that is less vapor-permeable than the enclosing structure of the wall - in this case, the heater will let less steam into the wall, and the wall will be able to remove this vapor well into the atmosphere. For example, to insulate a simple brickwork from the inside without a vapor barrier, ordinary foamed polystyrene foam is suitable (the vapor permeability coefficient of brickwork is 0.11-0.17, foamed polystyrene foam is 0.06). But for the insulation of concrete walls (monolithic, panel houses), only extruded polystyrene foam or insulation with a vapor barrier film from the side of the room is suitable.
In any case, it will look the same as if you take cover with your “head under the covers” and breathe there.
A few more negative points. When insulating the wall from the inside, there is no opportunity to insulate the interfloor ceilings and there remains one more "bridge" of cold - the inner walls that are connected to the outer wall.
If you do not also insulate the inner walls in the room (and interfloor ceilings), then at the points of their connection with the outer wall, zones with a low temperature are also formed due to freezing.In these places, the temperature is close to the dew point, and the dew point itself is in the immediate vicinity of the corners formed by the junction of the inner walls (floors) and the outer wall. In the spring-autumn period, zones of high humidity may form in the corners, the corners will become damp, the finish will deteriorate and mold and mildew may appear.
This can only be avoided by also insulating the inner walls at a considerable distance along the plane from the insulated outer wall. There are only two important negative points left for internal insulation, this is, as described above, freezing of the corners formed by the outer wall. In these corners, the dampness was removed with the help of a vapor barrier, but their freezing did not go anywhere.
Due to the temperature difference, even in a completely sealed room, air masses move - a draft, due to the pressure difference between warm and cold air. And the stronger the temperature difference, the stronger the movement (at the household level, such a draft can be felt while in a tightly closed room next to a hermetically sealed plastic window - as they say, "pulls from the window"). Freezing of corners creates discomfort for people in the room, because in the presence of internal drafts, the perceived comfort temperature is lower than in their absence, that is, it turns out that the temperature in the room should be higher than usual.
With the internal insulation of the walls and their vapor barrier, the withdrawal of water vapor from the room stops, which should have been provided for by the project before. It turns out that it feels humid and stuffy, because the relative humidity in the room increases, which again leads to the risk of condensation in the corners, only now the vapor barrier will no longer help - the condensate falls out from the side of the room due to the increased humidity in the room (it has shifted " Dew point"). Condensation is absorbed into the finish and at always positive room temperatures, a year-round breeding ground for fungi and mold is obtained.
To overcome the next attack of internal wall insulation, it is necessary to improve air exchange in the room (air conditioning), thereby reducing the humidity in the room. Due to the fact that with additional ventilation and due to internal drafts, more heating is required to compensate for the comfort temperature, then saving on the thickness of the insulation is unacceptable. Ventilation and drafts are factors for increasing the thickness of the insulation.
Conclusion: if you still want to insulate the walls from the inside: 1.
vapor barrier must be provided 2.the thickness of the insulation must be in excess, understating the thickness of the insulation is not allowed 3. internal drafts and discomfort for living are created
4.Vapor barrier of internal insulation creates high humidity, which requires additional ventilation
5.Reduces the service life of the supporting and enclosing structures of the building 6.Reduces the interior space
7.is very expensive
But what will happen in the wall with internal insulation ...
With internal wall insulation, the “dew point” is formed immediately after the insulation. In this place (behind the insulation) there will always be mold! If the insulation is mineral wool slabs, then it will absorb all the resulting moisture like a sponge. The humidity rises in the room.
Good luck!
Concrete is considered a convenient and simple material from which various residential and capital structures are erected.
But how to insulate the concrete walls from the inside? Concrete has quality characteristics, which makes it in demand in the construction market. Despite all its advantages, the composition also has disadvantages: the material conducts heat, which requires additional insulation of the structure.
How to insulate concrete walls from the inside?
You can use different materials for this. The main ones are:
Minvata. The material allows the walls to "breathe" and retains heat well. Expanded polystyrene.
Does not absorb moisture, retains heat, resists stress and is easy to install. Does not get wet and keeps warm well. Easy to use and can be sprayed onto concrete.
There are also other tools that can be used for this kind of work. Among them are foamed polyethylene and warm plaster.
Expert opinion
The cheapest way is to apply an additional layer of plaster.
To do this, the surface must initially be primed and a mesh attached to it. Several layers of plaster are made. Reinforcement lies between them.
The layer thickness should be 0.5 mm. It is also important to put waterproofing under the plaster. You can use regular polyethylene.
If mineral wool is used, then under it it is necessary to build a crate with cells. It is made from a bar or an aluminum profile. The tree must be treated with antiseptics so that it does not rot. Expanded polystyrene is a panel with a size usually 100x100 cm.
They will have to be cut and adjusted during work. The joints are treated with a sealant for tightness of the joint. It is important to press the sheets tightly against the base so that there are no pockets of air under them. Condensation may collect there and fungus will appear.
Polyurethane is the safest method of insulating concrete walls and will block moisture, but it is difficult to apply as it hardens quickly. This also requires a special installation.
A layer of vapor barrier should be put on top of the material. Experts recommend performing the whole process in the following sequence: Remove the old coating from the wall. Dry and wipe the base. Treat the wall with an antiseptic. Apply a primer. Fix the selected insulation material. Apply decorative finishing. It is recommended to insulate the concrete wall from the inside in summer. or in the spring, when there is little rainfall and the air humidity is not high. It is also important at the preparation stage to check all the communications that pass along the surface, and, if necessary, fix or change them. After finishing the base with insulation, such work will be difficult to do. The walls must be insulated throughout the apartment. rather than in the same room. This will give a greater effect and the ability to keep heat in the building. It is important to leave a small gap for ventilation between the layer of insulation and the decorative finish. This will not allow condensate to accumulate on the thermal insulator during temperature changes. In detail, how the insulation of concrete walls from the inside with your own hands is carried out, you can watch the video:
Each building material differs in its response to environmental influences. Concrete is no exception. In terms of performance, it surpasses brickwork and wood, but it needs good thermal insulation. Before proceeding with the insulation of concrete walls from the inside with your own hands, you need to take into account the following nuances:
- At a high density, the monolith remains a water-permeable material, which negatively affects both the state of the insulation (if they are not able to withstand moisture) and the walls - in the cold season the condensate will begin to freeze, triggering deformation processes.
- Before carrying out work, the concrete is treated with an antiseptic agent, which will prevent the formation of fungi and mold.
- Thermal insulation should cover the entire façade, not individual parts of the building.
- The amount of insulation is selected taking into account the thickness of the walls.
Inside or outside?
Having decided on the material for insulating a concrete wall from the outside or arranging thermal insulation in an apartment from the inside, you need to consider the features of each method.Experienced experts recommend putting the main priority on external insulation, since without it, internal insulation will be ineffective and will only exacerbate the problem.
Counting materials
The consumption of insulating materials depends on a variety of factors. First of all, the evenness of the wall surface, which will be insulated, is taken into account - this indicates the amount of glue for fixing the foam.
Calculations are carried out for flat walls according to the following principles:
- To glue polystyrene plates on the "bloopers" (without an adhesive layer at the edges), you will need to apply at least 5 kg of polystyrene foam glue.
- The dimensions of the slabs must correspond to the parameters of the walls, excluding openings (window and door). The thickness of the material is determined by the region of residence.
- To strengthen the plaster, reinforcement with a facade fiberglass mesh is used. The number of reinforced concrete structures is selected taking into account the parameters of the wall.
- If the facade will be covered with decorative plaster, then to level the surfaces you will need to purchase a primer with quartz sand. The consumption of this composition is 300 g / m².
- Before painting structures, they must be treated with a deep penetration primer - 200 g / m².
- Plaster consumption is determined by the size of its grains.
- The consumption of the coloring composition depends on the application method (spray gun, roller and brush).
Related article: Do I need a finishing putty of walls under the wallpaper
Surface preparation
After purchasing materials for wall insulation, you can proceed to surface preparation. To do this, you need to clean them of old paint, mold and dirt, and then cover with an antiseptic.
In the upper part, the wall is covered with a primer, which will increase the adhesion of the material to the adhesive base.
What you need to know about thermal insulation?
In order to effectively trap heat in the house, before the wall surfaces are covered with heat-insulating material, you must:
Thermal insulation materials have different thicknesses.
In order not to make the area of the room even smaller, it is better to choose a thinner insulation. wipe dry and level them; install heat protection and vapor barrier on the surface separating the walls from the interior volume of the room; materials that are highly moisture resistant and allow various vapors to pass through to a minimum, must be used to insulate the walls inside the apartment; the layer with insulation should not have joints , gaps or cracks. To fulfill all of the above requirements and insulate the walls, you can erect their analogue from the inside of the room. It should be borne in mind that these works can reduce the usable area inside the apartment, therefore, to insulate the walls, it will be necessary to choose thermal insulation, which, with great efficiency, has as thin as possible. Some tricks will also be described below that will help you better cope with the work of wall insulation from the inside.
Features of internal wall insulation
Comparison of wall blocks in terms of thermal insulation properties.
Usually, the walls are insulated from the inside out of urgent need, because external insulation is impossible. Internal insulation has a number of specific disadvantages that must be taken into account when choosing a method of insulation. Above all, wall coating changes the overall indoor climate. The creation of an insulating layer does not allow the wall to "breathe", which increases moisture condensation and requires additional ventilation in the room. Inside the wall, due to changes in the conditions of heat exchange and moisture transfer, moisture accumulates, which can lead to the formation of fungi and mold. These phenomena can reduce the bearing capacity of the wall.
Additional thermal insulation enhances the effect of internal drafts in the room. Finally, interior wall cladding reduces the usable area of the room. In addition, the change in wall decoration must be taken into account when creating the overall design of the room.The specific conditions that arise when insulating a concrete wall from the inside dictate the basic technical requirements. The inner wall covering must be a good heat insulator and create a reliable vapor barrier, provided that the room is well ventilated.
What can be used as thermal insulation?
There are many similar materials, namely:
The scheme of insulation of a concrete wall with foam.
- Expanded polystyrene or polyurethane. Styrofoam. Plaster. Drywall. ICE or fiberboard boards. PVC panels.
Consider how to use them for wall insulation.
The easiest and cheapest way is to apply a layer of additional plaster. To do this kind of work, you will need a metal construction mesh. The walls are first primed, and a liquid primer is “sprayed” on them for strengthening.
This is also done after laying each layer of plaster, which is applied evenly and has a thickness of up to 5 mm. There should be 4-5 such layers, and they cover all the walls of the apartment.
Before starting work, the old plaster must be removed and the rooms must be vaporized. It can be made of roofing material, bitumen mastic, waterproofing, etc.
Preparation of mortar and application of plaster on a concrete wall.
When using gypsum plasterboard boards, the crate is first made of metal profiles. Then, thermal insulation made of felt, mineral wool or foam is installed in the resulting cells and covered with sheets of drywall.
When using PVC, internal combustion engine or fiberboard panels for wall insulation, a frame must be made of slats. A vapor barrier and heat-insulating material are installed inside it.
Styrofoam can be directly glued to the wall, but this "cheap" option does not always give positive results.
The most reliable way is to use polyurethane for wall insulation. It is able to create a good moisture resistant barrier and has excellent thermal insulation properties.
The difficulty is that at the first stage it is a foamed liquid and hardens very quickly. To charge an even layer of heat insulator, it is necessary to use formwork, all the voids in which are gradually filled with polyurethane.
The scheme of insulation of a concrete wall from the inside with polyurethane foam.
After that, vapor protection and waterproofing are installed. It is made of plastic wrap, which must be fixed to adjacent walls, floor and ceiling.
This is done with laths and sealant. Since polyurethane has a relatively low mechanical strength and low density, an additional plasterboard wall is made from the inside of the apartment. This is a very effective thermal protection, but, in comparison with other types, it requires additional financial costs.
If you use polystyrene, then you need to pay attention to its installation. This material is 100 x 100 cm sheets, so many joints are formed. The sheets must be adjusted, and a layer of sealant must be applied to their ends.
When the walls are insulated from the inside of the room, air chambers may appear, in which fungi and mold or condensation will eventually appear. To fix the sheets, it is necessary to apply glue evenly over the entire surface. Before this, the material is perforated with a needle roller, which helps the adhesive better adhere to the sheets.
In any case, you must first align the walls. To do this, you need to purchase special mixtures that can form a layer of waterproofing.
Thermal insulation of external concrete walls
In order to help the reader to deal with this issue, this article will consider the main aspects of thermal insulation of external walls of buildings made of monolithic reinforced concrete. In addition, detailed instructions will be presented here, which describe the main methods of wall insulation using the most common building materials.
Features of the insulation of a residential building
Considering the technology for performing work, it should be borne in mind that the insulation of a concrete wall of a residential building can be performed in two ways:
- outside,
- from the inside.
Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, therefore, if possible, to achieve the best result, it is most effective to use a combination of interior and exterior decoration.
Regardless of the method chosen, as well as the type of materials used, there are certain rules that must be followed when performing such work.
- To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to insulate the entire outer surface of the building facade, not forgetting about the thermal insulation of the floor, ceiling, as well as window and door openings.
- When installing internal insulation, a small air gap should be left between the decorative wall and the heat-insulating material.
- Before performing installation work, the walls on both sides must be treated with an antiseptic compound to prevent the formation of mold.
- All work should be carried out after the final installation of power grids and laying of utilities... For wall penetration, you can use diamond drilling of holes in concrete using a special drill bit.
- Installation of external panels is carried out using special glue, therefore, all work outdoors is recommended to be performed at an ambient temperature of at least + 5 ° С.
Note! Having chosen for yourself the option of internal insulation, it should be borne in mind that in this case the dew point in the wall will be close to the internal surface, which, under certain conditions, can lead to the formation of condensation. In addition, due to the thickness of the air gap and thermal insulation material, the internal useful volume of the room will decrease.
Internal thermal insulation
This method is the most inexpensive and simplest, therefore it is often used by residents of multi-storey buildings, whose apartments are located above the second floor. It does not require special equipment and can be done by hand by any homeowner without outside help.
There are several options for energy-saving systems, which differ from each other in the complexity of installation and the type of materials used.
- The simplest, but at the same time, an effective way of thermal insulation is the usual plastering of the walls from the inside of the room.... To ensure the durability of the coating, before insulating the concrete wall from the inside with a plaster mortar, it is necessary to fix a metal reinforcing mesh on it and cover it with one layer of a penetrating primer.
- In the second case, the problem can be solved by using sheet material with low thermal conductivity, for example, foam.... It must be fixed to the wall from the inside of the building, pasted over with a masking fiberglass mesh and covered with a layer of finishing putty. After that, the wall can be painted, pasted over with wallpaper or finished with other materials for interior work.
- The third way is to install an additional plasterboard partition... A supporting frame made of metal profiles must be mounted on a concrete wall from the inside, and a layer of mineral wool must be placed in the space between them. After that, install sheets of drywall, putty the cracks and visible fasteners, and then finish the room.
Advice! To achieve the maximum energy-saving effect, it is recommended to use mineral wool, the front side of which is covered with aluminum foil. In this case, an air gap of 20 mm must be left between the foil and drywall.
External wall insulation
This method is the most effective, since it allows the dew point to be removed as much as possible outside the room, thereby preventing the formation of condensation and preventing the wall from freezing. However, its implementation requires the use of more expensive materials, and in the case of warming an apartment in a multi-storey building, the use of special equipment or the services of industrial climbers will be required.
As a heat-insulating material, sheet polystyrene foam is used, which is attached to the facade, then putty and painted with facade paint in the required color.
- Before insulating a concrete wall from the outside, it is necessary to remove the old coating and peeling plaster, and the surface must be cleaned of construction debris and dust, and then covered with a penetrating primer.
- At the level of the basement basement (for a private house) or the lower edge of the interfloor overlap (for an apartment in a multi-storey building), install a basement profile, the width of which must correspond to the thickness of the polystyrene foam used.
- Apply special glue to the expanded polystyrene plate around the perimeter and at several points, then press it against the wall in the right place, and then fix it in the corners and in the middle using dowels with wide plastic washers.
- Thus, mount all panels, making sure that no glue gets between them and does not come out at the joints.
- Fix a reinforcing mesh on the surface of expanded polystyrene using a special glue, which will bind all the panels into one whole, give them additional strength and serve as the basis for applying plaster.
- In the end, the facade should be covered with a thin layer of light plaster solution, which will provide protection from atmospheric factors, and painted with facade paint in the required color.
Advice! For high-quality gluing of foam panels, a flat surface is required, therefore, before installation, all cracks and depressions on the facade must be filled with filling, and sagging and protrusions must be removed. For this, cutting of reinforced concrete with diamond wheels using a special cutting machine can be used.
Construction Materials
Table 1 shows the comparative characteristics of the density and thermal conductivity of the most common thermal insulation and building materials (the lower the value, the better the thermal insulation).
Table 1.
Material | Density kg / m3 | Thermal conductivity W / (m × C °) |
Heat insulating materials | ||
Mineral wool | ||
- plates | 200 | 0,08 |
- plates | 125 | 0,07 |
Expanded polystyrene | ||
- Polyfoam PSB-S 15 | Up to 15 | 0,043 |
- Polyfoam PSB-S 25 | 15,1 — 25 | 0,041 |
- Polyfoam PSB-S 35 | 25,1 — 35 | 0,038 |
- Polyfoam PSB-S 50 | 35,1 — 50 | 0,041 |
Construction Materials | ||
Reinforced concrete | 2500 | 2,04 |
Concrete | 2500 | 1,30 |
Solid brick | 1800 | 0,81 |
Tree | 500 | 0,18 |
In what order should the work be carried out?
The technological process consists of such stages as:
The scheme of insulation of a concrete wall with plasterboard.
Wiping and drying walls. They are cleaned of dust and dried using heaters. Remove the old coating, paint, wallpaper and all other parts of the decor and cladding. Remove the plaster to the concrete slab. Then you need to vacuum or broom the surface of the walls.
With special care, it is necessary to wipe the places where fungus could have formed or there is a suspicion of dampness. The entire surface of the walls is treated with antiseptics. A layer of primer is applied. It must be deep penetration. After each operation, you must wait until the walls are dry. When using thermal elements or foam sheets, level the surface of the walls with plaster. In this case, ready-made mixtures are used that contain water repellents.
Such materials are usually used in the decoration of swimming pools and bathrooms. If the level of drops on the wall is more than 1 cm, then when plastering, beacons should be used. After finishing these work, the walls should be allowed to dry for several days. After that, a layer of primer must be applied again and repaired. All joints with sealant (you can also use moisture-resistant mastic). Fix or fill in the selected heat-insulating material. Allow it to dry for several days. After that, you need to build a second wall of plasterboard or brick. Finishing will be applied to it (wallpaper, paint, tiles) For this, a frame made of strips or a metal profile is installed and strengthened to the surface of the walls and ceiling.Drywall sheets are screwed on top. If expanded polystyrene is used as a heat-insulating material and it has an increased density, you can close it with a construction mesh and plaster. The joints between its sheets, which are fixed with glue, will need to be covered with mastic. When using polyurethane foam, special equipment is used.
Therefore, it is better not to skimp and call specialists who are engaged in pouring this material. You can try to do it yourself, but this requires at least minimal experience with this material. Polyurethane hardens quickly and forms a continuous coating without joints.
It is better to pour it into the cells of the frame made of strips or a metal profile and then cover it with sheets of drywall. Before that, the entire surface of the resulting insulation must be covered with plastic wrap. It is either glued with special glue, or fixed on the walls and ceiling with slats.
The production of works for wall insulation is necessary only in late spring or summer, when there is little rainfall and the air humidity is low.
You can not save on materials and skip the points of the above works.
Basic methods
Modern manufacturers delight buyers with a wide range of various thermal insulation materials that meet the main quality parameters of these products.
However, experts with sufficient experience in the construction industry give advice on how to insulate a concrete wall in an apartment, only in three main methods, which are considered the best:
- Thermal insulation using foam,
- Thermal insulation with mineral wool,
- Warming with the use of a warm plaster solution.
Foam application
Today, foam is considered a popular insulation (for example, Penoflex insulation). It is lightweight, easy to use and low cost make it the most common insulation material.
Insulation of premises from the inside with foam plastic
This method of thermal insulation is both the simplest and cheapest:
- We carefully plaster the concrete wall.
- Let the solution dry completely.
- We proceed to leveling the surface by applying one layer of putty.
- At the end of the puttying, we lay the waterproofing material around the entire perimeter.
Note! Neglect of this stage of thermal insulation work often causes condensation at the junction of the wall and insulation, as well as its further dampness. After all, it's no secret that even polystyrene is afraid of moisture and rots from its excess, losing its beneficial properties.
- Next, we proceed to the installation of the insulation layer:
- we process the walls with special glue,
- we lay the sheets of polystyrene butt to one another, avoiding the formation of cavities between them.
Advice! In order for the insulation to adhere well, in no case try to spread glue on the foam sheets themselves.
Internal foam insulation method
- We complete this stage of work by installing a vapor barrier material on a foam layer.
Mineral wool applications
The second method of warming concrete walls and increasing their thermal insulation capabilities is more difficult to perform. In addition, it is possible to insulate with mineral wool only if there are wooden slats. The lathing of slats "steals" some space of the room due to its thickness, so it is difficult to apply it if you want to insulate the loggia. Therefore, experts in thermal insulation advise against plastering the walls if this technique is used. However, no consensus on this issue has been found.
Related article: Wall vent valve
Photo insulation with mineral wool
The following is an instruction for wall insulation with mineral wool:
- we install wooden slats vertically on the wall, using a level for accuracy,
- we fill the distance between them with waterproofing material, fixing it directly on these slats.
- proceed to laying the insulation material on top of the waterproofing material. Watch the density of the insulation in the space between the slats. There should be no gaps between the slabs of the material and the wooden slats. For this, the distance between the slats is made less than the width of the insulation material.
Laying without gaps between slabs and battens
Note! Remember the risk of the formation of "cold bridges" and, in order to avoid this phenomenon, fix the insulation joint to joint between the slats, that is, cut the material with allowances of one centimeter.
- All that is left is to put in the vapor barrier material. Fix it to the same wooden slats.
Advice! Experts, just in case, advise to lay mineral wool in 2 layers, if you are not going to make a plaster layer.
Application of plaster solution
The use of a plaster layer as an insulating material is not a new technology. However, even today it remains quite popular. At the same time, one should not think that this method of thermal insulation is too simple. It also has its own characteristics, among which one can name the three-layer plaster layer.
So, how is insulation done with plaster:
- Do-it-yourself application of the initial layer is carried out by uniformly spraying the surface with liquid plaster. This is done so that the solution penetrates as deeply as possible into the walls with microscopic cracks.
- The second layer, 50-60 mm thick, is laid with soil. Moreover, it is applied not in one, but in 2-3 layers. It takes time and patience.
Advice! Dry each layer thoroughly to prevent it from falling off the wall under its own gravity.
- And finally, the plastering of the wall is completed with a third layer, which is called "cover". This layer is made in order to finally level out all surface irregularities and increase its thermal insulation properties.
How to apply plaster
Some tips for self-insulating walls
House wall diagrams with and without insulation from the inside.
Thoroughly treat the walls with an antiseptic: the durability of the installed thermal insulation depends on this. The insulation must be installed so that there is a small gap between it and the wall. Before starting work, all communications and electrical wires going along the wall must be carefully fixed. After installing the thermal insulation, this will not be possible. Do not try to insulate the walls in any separate room: it will be a waste of money. If there are radiators of the heating system in the room, then it is very difficult to install something behind them. But there is a way out - foil plastic.
It is insulation consisting of a thin sheet of heat-insulating material covered with aluminum foil on one side. This layer should be turned towards the inside of the room. In this case, the foil serves to reflect heat into the room.