Here you will find out:
- The principle of operation of the column on batteries
- What batteries are used in speakers
- How to choose power supplies
- Why do they sit down quickly
- How to change the batteries in the column
- Is it possible to transfer the column to a power supply
The battery in the gas column is used for the sole purpose of igniting the gas due to the spark. Despite the low voltage and power of the batteries, a spark is formed behind the electrical system, in which the voltage increases to such values that the air breaks through with a discharge.
Considering the relatively high energy consumption during the ignition, only products with certain parameters can be used for installation in hot water geysers.
The principle of operation of the column on batteries
All water heating columns work in the same way - in a short time they need to warm up the running water in the heat exchanger to the set temperature. The differences are evident in the ignition and protection systems.
In battery-powered columns, a spark is created automatically when the hot water valve is opened. The spark is powered by two D batteries.
The wick in the gas water heater does not burn continuously - it goes out immediately after the main burner is turned on. The column has a water flow sensor. When the valve is opened, it works and closes the electrical circuit, supplying voltage to the actuators.
As a result, the gas supply valve to the main burner opens, a spark is formed. The gas starts to burn and heat the running water. When the tap is closed, the water flow stops. The water flow sensor shuts off the gas supply.
All speakers must be equipped with the following sensors:
- determination of chimney draft;
- pressure control in the supply pipe;
- presence of a flame.
Additionally, a maximum flowing water temperature sensor and an overpressure safety valve can be installed.
How long are the batteries and the reasons for frequent changes
The service life of a chemical power source depends on the frequency of switching on the column and the correctness of the equipment adjustment. Subject to the specified conditions, the batteries have a shelf life of 6-8 months. Premature failure of elements is associated with problems with the operation of the electronic unit that generates a spark.
An additional reason for the premature discharge of the power source is the poor quality of the device (typical for batteries produced by small or little-known Chinese manufacturers).
Signs of a decrease in voltage at the contacts of the current source:
- a drop in the power of the spark, when the tap is opened, the burner does not ignite;
- dim or turn off the information display.
Rising humidity in the room where the heater is located negatively affects the battery life... If the control valves are clogged or the sensors are broken, a second spark is applied, which leads to the discharge of the power supply. The ingress of water vapor on the contact pads leads to the formation of conductive paths, causing a short circuit and accelerated degradation of the battery.
What batteries are used in speakers
For the full operation of the geyser, power supplies with a total voltage of 3 volts are required. Therefore, batteries for a water heater stand out against the background of more familiar finger and mini-finger modifications. These are thicker Class D “barrels”, each delivering 1.5V.
There are actually two types of batteries on the market: D-LR20 and D-R20.They differ from each other in price and "filling": inside the battery there may be salt or alkali.
Saline batteries D-R20 confidently give up their positions, which is more a plus than a minus. Cheaper power supplies are known for extremely fast discharge rates. Therefore, even a low attractive price does not make the purchase of the D-R20 worthwhile.
D-LR20 alkaline alkaline batteries are more expensive, but do not require such frequent replacement, they work properly for up to six months. The salt power supply will last a couple of weeks at best.
To save as much money as possible on routine battery replacements, it is worth purchasing rechargeable batteries. Do not dispose of used batteries and accumulators with household waste, as power sources require special disposal.
Comparison of the appearance of batteries of different classes. Class D batteries look really impressive compared to other categories of power supplies
For gas water heaters, the nickel-metal hydride versions of the batteries are best suited - NiMH D / HR20. However, before installing, it is worth making sure that the voltage in each battery is 1.5 V.
Subject to operational standards, such batteries will last 5-6 years, gradually losing their capacity in volume. But it is worth remembering that the battery charger will have to be purchased separately.
What is good about the power supply for the gas water heater instead of batteries
The gas water heater in many ladies replaced the centralized water supply. The thing is that utilities, when using individual heating of water, come out much cheaper than if you pay for hot water separately. Another advantage of installing such a device is that you do not depend on the water utility, and you can receive water at any time convenient for you, for example, you are not afraid to turn off warm water in the summer.
Previously, gas water heaters were quite dangerous and inconvenient to use products. They could explode if misused and ignited from matches.
The power supply for the gas water heater is characterized by good compactness and long service life.
Modern gas water heaters have in their design a lot of fuses and sensors, which, in the event of any breakdown, will turn off the device and inform you about the malfunction. Also a big plus is the automatic ignition function. Such an electronic device is capable of igniting a gas column burner at the touch of a button.
Unfortunately, most gas water heaters do not work from the mains, but from batteries. On the one hand, this is a plus, since the operation of the water heating device does not depend on the availability of electricity in the house, thus, if they "take the light" from you, you can still use hot water. However, on average, good batteries last only 1-1.5 years, and cheaper options are even shorter. Therefore, the owners of such devices have one more, not the cheapest, item in the list of costs.
If you want to enjoy such a blessing of civilization as electronic ignition, but at the same time do not want to buy expensive batteries every year, then you can replace them with a power supply unit from the mains. Of course, in this case, the functioning of the gas water heater will depend on electricity, but you can save a lot of your time and money.
How to choose power supplies
The safest option not to make a mistake in choosing a product is to go to the store with old batteries and buy batteries with similar parameters.
When choosing, be sure to take into account the manufacturer's recommendations and pay attention to the appearance of the product when buying it. However, even this approach may not save you from buying low-quality units.
Additionally, you should pay attention to the following nuances:
- compliance with the expiration date;
- the integrity of the packaging;
- absence of abrasions and mechanical damage on the case;
- the correctness of the shape of the power source.
The abundance of counterfeits on the market and storage of products in improper conditions without observing the correct temperature regime significantly affects the service life of batteries and accumulators.
Power supplies purchased in the next transition are unlikely to be certified and reliable goods. Therefore, purchase batteries from official offline and online stores. After all, the use of any damaged battery is fraught with fires and damage to equipment.
How to replace the battery
In flow-through heating equipment, the DC power supply is housed in a separate plastic housing. The cover is located on the lower edge of the heater, no need to turn off the water or gas to replace the battery. To get the job done, you need a Phillips screwdriver, a plastic spatula, and a piece of sandpaper (used to remove oxidation from the contact pads).
Algorithm for installing new batteries in a gas heating column:
- Turn off the hot water supply and be sure to turn off the gas supply.
- Unscrew the screw or unfasten the latch holding the compartment cover. Remove the protective cover by removing the pins from the holes.
- Remove the discharged batteries with a plastic spatula.
- Inspect the contact pads located inside the case. If a green plaque is found on metal parts, then the surface is cleaned with sandpaper. Do not use force when cleaning, as parts may be deformed or broken. The resulting dust is removed with a brush or dry sponge.
- Install new batteries. The polarity is observed during installation, there are explanatory pictograms on the cover or inside the battery niche.
- Close the compartment with a cover, tighten the fixing screws.
- Carry out a test run of the gas column.
There are heaters in which the power supply unit is located under the main metal casing.
To install new batteries, you will need to dismantle the screen, which is fastened with screws and spring latches. After removing the block cover, the worn out elements are removed. On some of the speakers, the power supplies are held in place by plastic clips that can be pulled out to the sides by fingers or an auxiliary tool.
Why do they sit down quickly
If we talk about why the batteries in the gas water heater are quickly consumed, the main reason is usually not very high-quality batteries. In the columns produced in our time, two D-type batteries are usually installed, having a voltage of one and a half volts. If cheap batteries made in China are installed there, then they can last two or three weeks maximum.
The principle of operation of batteries in the case of using such equipment is simple and consists in the fact that when the device is turned on, the batteries are triggered and a current is sent to the control unit. And already he gives a signal to the spark plug, which generates a spark in the ignition block. Under pressure, the valve opens and gas begins to flow into the burner. In a similar way, ignition is carried out.
If the batteries run out, then the spark will start to be generated unstably or the column will stop turning on. In a number of models, this can be understood by flashing a special LED, which is designed specifically for this.
But there can be several reasons for the rapid discharge of batteries:
- high humidity;
- incorrect operation of the ionization sensor;
- displacement of the electrode responsible for ignition;
- problems with the control unit;
- poor quality batteries.
Now let's talk about each reason in as much detail as possible. Increased humidity can be observed when installing the column in the bathroom.Moisture and steam simply begin to settle on the spare parts, which do not allow normal ignition to be carried out. Contacts oxidation begins, and corrosion appears on the parts. You should clean up and ventilate the area more often, and install a good ventilation system.
If we talk about the incorrect operation of the ionization sensor, then such a sensor is responsible for the presence of a flame in the burner. If it has shifted too much to the side, then the spark will be generated for a long time, and the charge energy will simply be spent nowhere. In this case, you should see where the sensor is located and correct its location, if necessary. Also, it can simply become clogged due to soot. When gas enters, the spark should immediately ignite and transform into fire. If this does not happen, we are talking about the displacement of the ignition electrode, then you can try to move the electrode closer to the burner.
Speaking about problems with the control panel, we note that the batteries are responsible for the stable operation of the electronic module. If there are any problems in it, then it will take more energy to work than usual. If this is the problem, then you should remove the cover and inspect the unit. After that, we turn off the wires leading to it, open it and check all the parts for burns. If there are no visual problems, then you should call the wizard.
We already wrote about low-quality batteries above. If we talk about what kind of batteries are needed, then it is better to follow the recommendations given by the manufacturer in the instructions for the gas water heater. It is best to use the alkaline version of LR20 from manufacturers such as Energizer and Duracell.
What are the batteries for the gas water heater?
The battery in the gas column is used for the sole purpose of igniting the gas due to the spark. Despite the low voltage and power of the batteries, a spark is formed behind the electrical system, in which the voltage increases to such values that the air breaks through with a discharge.
Considering the relatively high energy consumption during the ignition, only products with certain parameters can be used for installation in hot water geysers.
How to change the batteries in the column
In flow-through gas boilers, a special place is provided for the batteries. Usually this is a plastic container located at the bottom of the case. There is a hinged lid with a lock-lock. Insert batteries into the column after turning it off. To this end:
- open the lid;
- carefully pull out the barrels, slightly bending back the plastic clips;
- install new batteries, observing the +/- polarity;
- close the lid and do a test run.
To extend the life of the batteries, if you do not plan to use the column, you can turn it off using a special switch at the bottom of the case. The button disconnects the ignition unit from the batteries.
What to look for when choosing a battery
The purchase of counterfeit products or products that have been subjected to mechanical damage or increased temperature exposure during storage and transportation can negate all efforts to restore the operability of gas equipment.
Such a battery can last only a few days and will need to go back to the store for a new battery.
To minimize the likelihood of purchasing low-quality products, you must:
- Make sure the column supports this voltage.
- The larger the container, the longer it will work.
- The battery should be carefully inspected for abrasions, scratches and dents.
- Determine the expiration date of the product, which can be indicated on the product body and on the packaging.
- Do not purchase products from questionable retail outlets.
Is it possible to transfer the column to a power supply
To redesign a battery-powered column, you need:
- Purchase a power supply unit with parameters 220V / 3V / 500 mA.
- Buy two connectors of the "mom-dad" type.
- Route the two wires located inside the compartment for the battery box down from the body of the device. On them you will see the mother halves and markings.
- If the wires are not marked with a different color, mark which one is “+” and which one is “-”.
- Cut off the plug from the power supply unit, separate the wires and solder the dad halves to each.
- Connect the halves of the connectors with respect to the polarity.
- Plug the unit into a power outlet.
What to look for when choosing a battery
The purchase of counterfeit products or products that have been subjected to mechanical damage or increased temperature exposure during storage and transportation can negate all efforts to restore the operability of gas equipment.
Such a battery can last only a few days and will need to go back to the store for a new battery.
To minimize the likelihood of purchasing low-quality products, you must:
- Make sure the column supports this voltage.
- The larger the container, the longer it will work.
- The battery should be carefully inspected for abrasions, scratches and dents.
- Determine the expiration date of the product, which can be indicated on the product body and on the packaging.
- Do not purchase products from questionable retail outlets.
If the slightest doubts arise during the inspection, then the purchase should be abandoned.