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Good afternoon, regular readers and subscribers! Many owners of a split system could, in the description of the device or in consultation, hear that it can not only cool, but also heat the room. As a rule, such information is not perceived by buyers, but it is remembered in the fall, when it was already colder outside and the heating had not yet been turned on. Of course, no one remembers what the seller says about heating with a split system, so everyone starts looking in Google - is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter to heat the apartment. I'll tell you about it today.
The principle of operation of the air conditioner for heat and its features
Any air conditioner is not a heating device for its intended purpose, since it does not have a heating element. In this regard, in order to maintain a comfortable microclimate, this climatic device will, most often, not be enough.
This is due to the fundamental features of the work, since the split system is capable of functioning only with the permissible indicators of a street thermometer. Usually, the manufacturer indicates such a temperature regime in the accompanying instructions for their equipment.
Basically, the following range of minus temperatures is allowed for switching on the split in the "heating" mode:
- Standard air conditioners can be turned on up to - 5˚С .;
- Inverter split systems are designed for operation up to - 15˚С;
- Some modern models with heat pumps are adapted to work up to - 25˚С.
In principle, the operation of the air conditioner for heating differs from the "cooling" process in the opposite movement of freon. This is achieved by switching a four-way valve located in the external block.
Thus, the evaporator in the indoor unit and the condenser in the outdoor unit are swapped. In the indoor radiator, refrigerant condenses with the release of heat, and in the outdoor radiator it evaporates, while the heat exchanger is cooled. Heat is pumped from one radiator to another, but is not generated.
In this regard, in the process of heating, the efficiency of the split system significantly drops, which makes its operation ineffective at zero or minus temperatures outside the window.
Main function
The main primary function of household climatic equipment is to cool the interior space of an apartment or room. That is why the purchase of air conditioners has become a mass phenomenon before the start of the summer season. How does the air cooling process take place?
The split system is equipped with a cooling circuit made of copper pipes. Freon circulates inside. Features are such that when it evaporates, it is able to cool the air. The internal block of the climate device has a heat exchanger through which the freon evaporates and gives off cold. A nearby fan supplies room air to the evaporator, drives it through it, giving out a cooled stream.
Then the heated freon moves to the external block, inside of which it is converted, gets rid of the accumulated heat and, ready to cool, returns again to the evaporator. Thus, the main cooling function of the air conditioner is realized.
What is the efficiency and thermal efficiency of air conditioners
The efficiency of air conditioners is usually indicated by the coefficient of performance (the ratio of the produced cold to the consumed power) and the thermal coefficient (the generated heat to the consumed power). The calculation of this value is done from the ratio of consumed to useful power.
The power consumption of the air conditioner, measured in kW, is much less than the cooling power. It is possible to determine the efficiency of the climatic device only when the efficiency of the device in the heating process is greater than unity.
If the temperature outside the window is above zero, then the amount of generated heat will be approximately three times greater than the consumed energy. With a consumption power of 1 kW, the heating power will be 3 kW. Moreover, the equipment usually indicates the nominal capacity, in this case, it will be a digital value of 1 kW.
The need to take into account the true conditioning processes has led to the emergence of all sorts of energy efficiency values.
In this case, the following aspects should be noted:
- Typically, EER is shown for standard mode (total thermal performance under normal conditions). Test measurements carried out in the Moscow region are considered to be classical conditions according to ISO 5151. At the same time, the outside temperature at that moment was + 32˚С, and inside the room + 26˚С.
- The EER of climatic devices is typically 2.5 to 3.4, and the COP is 2.8 to 4.0. This shows that the second value is higher than the first. This is explained by the fact that during operation the compressor heats up and gives up its heat to the refrigerant. It is for this reason that split systems generate more heat than coolness.
- There are seven EER categories for classifying the energy efficiency of the air conditioners. They are designated from A to G, while the split systems of class "A" have COP> 3.6 and EER> 3.2, and class "G" - COP <2.4 and EER <2.2.
Important information about temperature limits
There are important restrictions for the cold season. Heating cannot be turned on when outside temperature below 0 С
°, otherwise such problems will start:
- condensate begins to freeze on the external heat exchanger, so the outdoor unit begins to ice;
- as a result, heat transfer deteriorates;
- heating performance drops.
At what temperature exactly can the air conditioner be turned on for cooling? It is important to ensure that it does not fall. below +5 C
°. If you break it, the following can happen:
- the performance of climatic equipment will decrease;
- freezing will occur in the structure of the street block and the drainage pipe;
- the compressor may break down already at start-up.
Air conditioner operation diagram
Outside Temperature Range Limitations
Most split systems with "heating" mode have limitations: manufacturers produce air conditioning units with a tolerance for thermometer readings up to - 5˚С. Failure to comply with the requirements written in the instructions leads to gradual wear of the compressor and its further failure.
In some split systems, the entire system is automatically blocked if the air conditioner is turned on with a violation of temperature indicators. In this case, only an error code is displayed on the display, indicating the incorrect operation of the device.
What is a low temperature kit for?
Some manufacturers recommend purchasing an additional “winter kit
»For your device. The essence of this know-how lies in the purchase of a special set that allows the split to work in winter and not lose heat output even with serious "disadvantages".
In reality, such a kit includes three devices that perform the following functions:
- crankcase heating to prevent oil thickening;
- drainage heating (prevents the block from freezing outside);
- speed retarder for outdoor fan.
However, the main purpose of such a set is to expand the operating temperature range for cooling, and not for using equipment for heating. That is, if you have a "winter kit", you can turn on the air conditioner in winter, but only to refresh the room, and not constantly be heated with it.
Operation of air conditioners in winter - myths and misconceptions
Many users are wondering whether it is possible to turn on the air conditioner for heating when the thermometer is negative? Manufacturers answer unequivocally that standard climatic devices cannot be started in the "heating" mode in winter.
The reason lies in the fact that the mineral oil used in such split systems can effectively fulfill its purpose only when it is liquid. If the air conditioner is turned on at a negative temperature, then such oil thickens, and ultimately the compressor will fail, since the movement of the flywheel and piston group will occur almost dry.
However, manufacturers have developed models of split systems with an extended operating temperature range, and now it is possible to use the equipment in cold weather. In connection with the invented starting device, the split can be operated not only in the range declared by the manufacturer, but also at much lower temperatures.
You just need to choose a modern air conditioner with parameters that are appropriate for this task. For example, Daikin air conditioners can be used at temperatures of -8 ° C, and VRF - up to -14 ° C. And models such as MitsubishiElectric or Dantex air conditioners can keep the room warm at outdoor temperatures down to -25˚С.
For reference!
The VRF air conditioner with heating mode is essentially a heat pump with an efficiency of up to 400%. For comparison, the efficiency of any heater or boiler can be 85-95% maximum.
If the split has already been purchased, and it is required to use it at subzero temperatures, then in this case the installation of the winter kit is used.
The set includes the following items:
- heating cable for drainage;
- heating element (heating element) for the compressor;
- a device for reducing the fan speed.
This kit can be supplied to many split systems, but only a specialist from the service center is allowed to make such an installation. Of course, it is possible to re-equip the climatic equipment, but this is risky for the system: the slightest failure during split operation can lead to compressor damage. It is better to use special heating devices or a heat gun for heating.
Winter kit
It is a collection of several devices:
- Drainage heater. Heats up communications so that the discharged liquid can pass freely through the pipes.
- A device that heats the compressor crankcase of the outdoor unit. It contributes to the heating of the inactive compressor, so the latter starts up already warm, the oil is liquid, the freon is cooled.
- A device that reduces the fan speed to normalize the efficiency of the device (for the cooling function, when heating, the fan must rotate faster than usual).
Installing the kit on a unit with a heating option will not help the air conditioner to function properly in winter. This arrangement will only be correct in the case of cooling work.
Equipment modifications equipped by manufacturers with a winter kit and an anti-icing program are also ineffective in winter, despite the specified temperature ranges. In frosts, a small part will work. Models of semi-industrial type are capable of heating.
The choice of a split system with a heating function
When choosing a heated air conditioner, consider the following parameters:
- power consumption of electricity;
- thermal energy performance;
- energy efficiency category;
- range of permissible operating temperatures;
- automatic defrosting mode of the condenser in the outdoor unit.
And there are also several other aspects that should be borne in mind when operating an inexpensive air conditioner in heating mode: the purpose of the room (residential, industrial); the size of the room. For example, if this is a production hall with a large number of workers, then much less energy will be consumed for heating. Consequently, the efficiency will be close to the best value.
If you need to choose a split without built-in heating, then it is better to stop at inverter air conditioners with winter accessories, since they are designed to operate in an extended range of subzero temperatures.
Heating mode
This function has become available recently. It is convenient when it gets cold inside the apartment before or after the central heating. Off-season periods are associated with a lack of warmth. Heating electrical equipment is energy-consuming household appliances, and therefore not economically profitable. Against its background, an air conditioner with a heating function looks more attractive. How is the air heated?
It should be understood that any split-device is non-heating equipment, since it is not equipped with a heating element. With the environmental parameters admissible by the manufacturer, the heating function is implemented by the reversible movement of the freon.
A four-way valve installed inside the outdoor unit allows the refrigerant to circulate back. Evaporator and condenser function change. Now the heat exchanger of the indoor unit receives the heat of the freon, cooling it down. The fan blows air through the newly formed condenser, warming up the flow.
Freon is supplied to the outdoor module cooled down. There he absorbs the heat of the surrounding air, returns back inside the room.
That is, there is no heating of the air, only the transfer of heat from one place to another. This scheme is effective when the ambient temperature is positive. If there is a minus outside the window, it stops working, because the heat exchanger of the outdoor unit is not enough for the freon to dump the cold, the module turns out to be small for this.
There are air conditioners that can effectively heat a room in winter. But they are closer to semi-industrial, equipped with an enlarged external heat exchanger, which contributes to the heating of freon.
The main thing is to clean the split system before the cold season. Particular attention should be paid to the outdoor unit - because it is affected by frost and cold. You can do it yourself if you want. Read more in the article "How to clean the air conditioner yourself".
There is no big difference between using the air conditioner in winter and summer. You just need to turn it on and monitor the condition of the outdoor unit. It freezes over time, which degrades the performance of the air conditioner.
Many models have a defrost mode. If it does not turn on automatically for you, you will have to do it manually. when there is no such mode, it will be necessary to chop off the ice and spill the outdoor unit with warm water.